Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Prompt #8: Fred Jones

From Lauri’s research on Fred Jones stuff, what pieces of his approach/thinking do you think will be most beneficial to you in your classroom?  



  1. I think that modifying good plans from other teachers will be extremely beneficial in my classroom. As a first time teacher I'll just be learning my teaching styles, and with the added stress of coming up with wonderful, intriguing lessons that will captivate the students every single day, having some good lessons created by good teachers will be a life saver!

    1. Ah Boo! I got confused and was answering about Harry Wong instead of Fred Jones. On the Fred Jones side of things I think that the See, Say, Do will be important in my classroom. With business classes, especially accounting, it's just like math that you can Show a student how to do it, then they Tell them how to do it on their own, but eventually they will have to do it for themselves.

  2. We learned about PAT time in my classroom management class, and I think that is a really great concept, and I've seen it work in classrooms I've been observing this semester. I think that tokens or points can only work with students up to a certain age, and older students really want time for themselves - they want to read or watch a movie, talk to their friends, etc. That is going to be a lot more motivating than getting tokens or a sticker, in my opinion.

  3. We learned some about him in classroom management. I like his ideas about the arrangement of the classroom and how it can change the atmosphere and make things flow so much better. I also like the "calm is strength" idea. It has worked for me in my classrooms and I have seen principals not remain calm and in doing so they just escalate the situation and make it much worse.

  4. Reducing down time and learning to hustle-- especially when teaching preschoolers. It is amazing what two minutes of free time can lead too. I also like adding classroom chores for students to complete. -- I really want to see all the video and read the book -- sound like a great program.
