Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Prompt #4: Your LEARNING

What was the most important learning you personally took out of viewing the Covey video?


  1. That the 80s were really not a great time in fashion!

    ...just kidding. I mostly liked the metaphor he was using and could easily apply it to how I few my role as an educator. You have lots of big rocks: high-stakes testing, alignment, personal and professional growth, but you have even MORE little rocks, the students. And you can't have one set of rocks without the other, and you need to make them fit together!

    1. Cute. May I assume you like the present fashions? Horn-rimmed glasses (a throwback to the 60s)?

    2. Actually, I LOVE the 80s! I think that some retro styles are really great - even horn-rimmed glasses! =D

  2. I took away from the video not to sweat the small stuff. It seems impossible to worry about getting the little things done first with the large task of making the big things work out in the end. If we focus on what is most important in the long run then the little stuff will fall into place making things work out alright in the end.

  3. I think that as a teacher, you can use something simple and non-verbal to get the lesson taught. We think of teachers always having to get up in front of the class and constantly lecture but this shows otherwise. It shows how people can learn visually as well or better than in a lecture. At the very least it can help to emphasize the point and it is very complimentary to the lecture.

  4. I love Steven Covey I had the pleasure attend one of his trainings back in the early 90's --that is when he was teaching them himself. In this video it reminds me and helps me learn that I have to be well rounded --all work and no play leave Lauri-- running around in circles. It also reminds me that I need to plan and sharpen the saw more often.
