Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Prompt #10: Social Contracts

How do you see yourself using the concept of social contracts, as described by Michael, in your classroom(s)?


  1. I think that explicit social contracts are a great idea. It's a bit derivative of one of the classroom management styles I learned about last term, but I think that the class should be involved in helping set up rules and procedures for the classroom and then each student could meet with the teacher and express concerns, etc., and then actually sign a contract during the first few weeks of school. I think if the students are a part of formulating the rules, they'll be more invested in them and in the classroom as a whole.

    1. Something to anticipate is the possibility of the students taking the contract in a direction you don't wan to go.

      Also, expect one (or some) student to refuse to sign it (if you go with the sign-it protocol).

      Stuff to consider...

  2. I think using the concept of social contracts is outlined by every teacher I've ever had on the first day of class when they stand up and say what they expect from us as a class and what they expect to give in return. I also think that having a social contract would be a good thing because a lot of times a classroom is its own little world. The students and teacher create their own population where most of the time the teacher is the dictator and the students helpless victims of the tyrannical teacher. Ha! But really, having a discussion over the course of a semester about the expectations of the members of a class can help set the tone for learning. If everyone agrees to a certain standard of behavior then there is more accountability for the students to behave. This creates a better environment for everyone.

  3. Children need to know the rules, routines, and exceptions of the classroom. I would have rules posted in the classroom, a schedule posted in the classroom and prompts around the room with thinks expected from the class. -- I could even use the habits of the mind posters to help my students and parents understand what is expected of them in my class and school.

    1. thinks--- should be things expected from the class.

  4. I would go a step beyond a social contract and make them sign an offical class conduct contract on the first day after we agree on the ground rules for behavior in my class. I think that I would tell my class what certain rules would be and explain how to an extent that I would let them set the tone for the class in an analogy like I gave of dictatorship or democracy. I would explain how these rules really protect them much more than they control them. Try to show the benefit of the rules and how by virtue of being school they do not have the freedom they think they do while they are there.
