Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Prompt #1: Invocation

If you had only one month to live, what things would you do (or do differently) during that last month?


  1. Wow! I would spend as much money as possible, I would eat whatever I wanted, I would try to spend as much time with the people I love.

    If money were no object, I'd travel. Just a month-long trip all over the world!

    1. If money were no object, I'd be doing that stuff NOW.

  2. Honestly, being the organized worrier that I am, I would try to get all of my affairs in order (burial plans, etc.) I would probably work up until the last minute to get everything squared away. I might like to have one of those funeral parties like in the movie, "Get Low."

  3. I would definitely have to make sure everything was in the best order I could leave it (Michael, Organized Worrier is an excellent term!) and then I would go wild. I'd die my hair purple, or at least get 20 different color wigs, I would go to the most interesting places and see as many different things as I could. I would spend every waking moment with my family and make sure they were along for the ride and leave them with happy memories. And then I would have a long talk with God to make sure he knew I wasn't scared for myself but for the people I would leave behind. I'd make my peace and leave this world as the best person I could have ever been, hopefully knowing I made a difference in some small significant way.

  4. I would go on a vacation mountains, beaches, -- somewhere real hot and real cold! I would go to all favorite place, favorite friends and relatives and spend less time on the computer --
